
Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Wunderlist is a simple, cross-platform to-do list manager I love using

One of the most important advice my mother gave me when I started working was to have to-do lists. I could be buried under tons of work, and the emails and phone calls would be coming in, sometimes almost endlessly, each with new tasks for me to complete. With my trustly to-do list in hand, I entered them as they came, sorted them according to priority, and tackled every one until they're completed. By end of a working day, seeing my list with nearly all tasks ticked off and completed never fails to bring a smile to my face.

This is why I love to-do apps like Wunderlist. In addition to using the good ol' pen and paper, Wunderlist lets me keep my to-do lists easily update-able and available, thanks to its cross-platform design.

Getting started with Wunderlist is really easy. First, we create the lists using the Add List button. Lists give context to our tasks. We can put personal tasks and work tasks into separate lists. Think of it as having separate lists on separate pages. This gives us a clearer overview of all the tasks we need to do.

I create a list for every project I'm involved in. This helps me remember which tasks is related to which project. A new task in created in list simply by typing the input bar in each lists. I can move tasks between lists simply by dragging and dropping them. Each tasks can be given a date and reminder.

The tasks can be rearranged by click-dragging them over or under one another or using Stars. Stars are normally used for priority tasks, but Wunderlist doesn't restrict the use of Stars for this purpose only. We can also put Stars on recurring tasks, tasks that need to be done repeatedly, like taking out the trash or doing a weekly review of all our projects.

And that's it. Wunderlist also has other features like creating lists and tasks via email and list sharing, but  I haven't tried them out.

What I love most about Wunderlist is its cross-platform design. We can use Wunderlist as web-app through its website and install it on our Windows, Linux, and Mac computers.

I use the Windows-based desktop version of Wunderlist more often than the web-app version because I find it more stable. It works both with and without Internet connection. I'm not always online, so I'd really appreciate it if my apps would work just as well when I'm offline.

Wunderlist synchronises our lists across devices via Internet connection and keeps them updated. For smartphone users, Wunderlist is also available for iPhone, Android, Blackberry, and Windows Phone.

I recently tried Wunderlist on Android and its works almost just as good. The Andriod phone I tried it on has a smalll screen and this made it a bit tricky for me rearrange tasks in my lists. But if you're using Wunderlist on bigger device, say a Galaxy Tab with a 7-inch screen, you won't have this problem.

So, are you ready to take your to-do lists to the next level? Sign up for a free Wunderkit account and upgrade away.

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Love in a Headscarf

Source: Marie Claire
When Oxford-educated Muslimah Shelina Zahra Janmohamed decided to get married, she opted for arranged marriage. Raised in a closely-knit Muslim community in London, Shelina has close ties to her local masjid since she was a little. Understandably, going the arranged marriage route was a no brainer for her. With an army of concerned aunts, supportive parents and family members, loyal friends, and an experienced Imam backing her up, Shelina sets out to find the person who would complete half of her religion.

Arranged marriage may be seen by some as  merely a tradition or even a violation of one's personal right. Maybe because the word "arranged" conjures up the idea that a marriage or love can planned in advanced and to them this sounds absurd.

I also confess that I used think that way about arranged marriage. I also know may people who are hesitant about letting other people help them meet the right person. Various reasons have been cited for refusing outside help, most of them as I later learned, are mainly due to insecurities and fear of rejection.

It's a good thing Shelina is an optimist with a huge sense of humour. She will be going through a string of suitors, and a very long string it turns out to be. Love in a Headscarf is not a book that I thought it would be because it's at least 500% funnier than I expected.

How would you take it if someone rejects you for not being tall enough? Or because you like to read a lot? How about trying to marry you because he's a foreigner looking for a permanent resident status?

That's not even half of it. One suitor had the audacity to show up late for a meet up because he was waiting for the cricket match he was watching to finish. I'm a dude and even I'm scratching my head in disbelief. I mean, why not reschedule?

Another suitor replied her email late because he his house got struck by lightning just before he was about to send it. I know guys hate letting down girls and for them the easiest way out of it is to 'invent stories.' Some, like this one, is just stretching it a bit too much. A lot of guys get all befuddled when they make a girl cry. But girls want guys to treat them with respect. The truth may not be most pleasant explanation, but it's always the mature and correct to thing to say. And of course, a sincere apology in tow.

Fortunately the process hasn't depleted Shelina of sense of humour or believe in Allah's promise. She constants reflects on each unsuccessful tries and ties it with what Islam has to offer. Her optimism is truly admirable. She could've easily given up but her belief in Allah's plan helps her endure depressing remarks and her own doubts.

I'm excited to know that this book has been well received even by non-Muslims. Shelina beautifully links her experiences with the teachings of Islam, a feat I rarely come across in books written by Muslims from the West. She's an Oxford-graduated Muslimah who happily wears her hijab and practices her religion with pride.

Without spoiling it too much, I'm happy to report that Shelina is now happily married. She continues to write more about her journey at her blog, Spirit21.

Definitely highly recommended. If I have daughters who can read and old enough to begin thinking about relationships, I'd tell them to read this book.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

40 Hadis Palsu Popular

Sumber: PTS
Saya ada satu pengalaman buruk berkenaan hadis palsu. Hadis palsu berkenaan cara sahabat Nabi Abdul Rahman bin Auf RA masuk syurga. Menurut matan (teks) hadis palsu ini, Rasulullah ‘dikatakan’ telah melihat sahabat yang mulia ini akan memasuki syurga secara merangkak

Peristiwa ini berlaku kira-kira sepuluh tahun yang lalu. Setelah saya mendengar ‘hadis’ ini, jiwa saya begitu gundah. Bagaimana seorang yang sangat tinggi jasanya dan darjatnya serta salah seorang sahabat yang paling awal memeluk Islam menerima nasib yang sebegini?

Bagaimana pula orang lain, seperti saya, yang boleh dikatakan tiada sebarang jasa terhadap Islam?

Abdul Rahman RA telah banyak berkorban untuk Islam. Beliau juga terkenal sebagai seorang yang amat kaya. Kemuliaan akhlak beliau telah dirakam dalam sejarah melalui kisah beliau dengan Saad bin Rabi' RA. Kemungkinan besar ‘hadis’ ini cuba menunjukkan betapa beratnya beban harta dalam perjalanan seseorang menuju syurga, secara literal ataupun secara metafora.

Saya tidak menafikan pada waktu-waktu itu, semasa memikirkan tentang ‘hadis’ Abdul Rahman bin Auf, keyakinan saya terhadap Islam diserang hebat. Saya berdebat dengan diri sendiri. Bahkan saya pernah bertanya tentang hadis ini kepada seorang ustaz. Ustaz tersebut tidak memberi sebarang komen dan selaku seorang yang berilmu beliau telah mengambil tindakan yang betul dengan tidak bercakap di luar batas ilmu beliau. Beliau tidak bercakap seperti seorang pakar hadis dan saya pula sememangnya orang awam yang serba jahil. Perbincangan kami tamat tanpa konklusi.

Alhamdulillah, saya bersyukur kepada Allah Taala kerana memberi saya kekuatan untuk telah mempersoalkan perkara ini secara tidak tentu hala. Sungguh pun hati saya menjerit meminta jawapan, Allah yang Maha Mengetahui akhirnya memberikannya selepas beberapa tahun. Saya masih beriman kepadaNya. Ada ketikanya sebelum saya menemui jawapan, apabila saya teringat kepada ‘hadis’ ini, jiwa saya bergolak.

Oleh sebab itu saya amat berterima kasih kepada pihak Tuan Abdul Razak Muthalib dan PTS kerana menulis dan menerbitkan buku 40 Hadis Palsu Popular. Kandungannya mungkin tidak seterperinci kitab-kitab tentang hadis palsu tetapi cukup bermanfaat untuk orang awam.

Penulis, pada halaman 109, bahawa ‘hadis’ Abdul Rahman bin Auf ini dianggap lemah oleh Ibnu Taimiyyah, Ibnu al-Jauzi, dan al-Haithami. Dalam mensyarahkan hadis palsu ini, Ibnu al-Jauzi berkata,
Hadis batil ini dijadikan pegangan oleh orang jahil sufi bahawa harta adalah penghalang dari melalukan kebaikan. Mereka beranggapan, jika Abdul al-Rahman bin 'Auf masuk syurga secara merangkak disebabkan hartanya, hal ini sudah cukup menunjukkan celaan terhadap harta. Hadis ini tidak sahih. Ia sangat tidak boleh diterima Abdul al-Rahman yang dijamin masuk syurga  tetapi terhalang daripada kebaikan disebabkan hartanya. Ini kerana mengumpulkan harta dibolehkan, sedangkan yang dicela ialah mendapatkan harta dengan cara yang salah atau tidak menunaikan kewajipan terhadap harta tersebut. Mustahil dua perkara in ada pada Abdul al-Rahman. Betapa ramai tukang cerita berdalil dengan hadis seperti ini untuk menganjurkan kemiskinan dan mencela kekayaan. Aduhai, para cerdik pandai manakah yang mengetahui dan memahami dengan kefahaman yang sebenar?
Saya yakin jika krisis rohani ini boleh menimpa saya, tentu ramai orang lain yang sedang, telah, serta bakal menghadapinya. DI saat keyakinan kita terhadap keadilan dan kerahmatan Tuhan sedang goyah, mudah sekali elemen jahat untuk masuk dan menghasut kita agar meragui ajaran Islam.
Saya amat bersyukur kerana krisis ini menyedarkan saya tentang pentingnya mencari kebenaran dan kesan hadis palsu. Hadis palsu, yakni ucapan yang dikatakan pernah diucapkan oleh Nabi tetapi hakikatnya tidak, adakalanya nampak seakan-akan mempunyai mesej yang baik. Namun impaknya terhadap umat Islam amat buruk dan boleh membawa orang lebih jauh daripada Islam, seperti yang hampir-hampir terjadi pada diri saya. Di antara hadis palsu yang dimuat di dalam buku ini
  • Menuntut ilmu hingga ke China, serta belajar dari buaian hingga ke liang lahad
  • Syurga di bawah tapak kaki ibu
  • Perselisihan adalah rahmat
  • Bekerja untuk dunia seolah-olah akan hidup selama-lamanya dan beribadat untuk akhirat seolah-olah akan mati esok
  • Talak menggegarkan Arasy 
  • Solat dua rakaat orang yang sudah berkahwin lebih baik daripada 70 rakaat solat orang bujang
  • Hadis palsu yang memfitnah sahabat seperti Alqomah anak derhaka yang menghadapi sakaratul maut yang sukar kerana pernah menyinggung perasaan ibu beliau
Para ustaz juga baru-baru ini menekankan tentang bahaya menyebarkan mesej yang mengandungi hadis palsu melalui media sosial. Niat si pengirim mungkin baik tetapi hadis palsu tetapi ia tetap salah.

Nabi Muhammad SAW bersabda di dalam hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh Imam Bukhari dan Imam Muslim,“Sesungguhnya berdusta ke atasku (mengunakan namaku) tidaklah seperti berdusta ke atas orang lain (menggunakan nama orang lain). Sesiapa yang berdusta ke atasku dengan sengaja, maka siapkanlah tempat duduk untuknya di neraka.”

Jangan kerana niat ingin bertazkirah, kita terheret ke neraka. Semoga kita dilindungi Allah daripada kesilapan ini.

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